We have butterflies, apparently the ridiculous temps awaken the butterflies from a very productive slumber. They are all perfectly formed and so far we have 4. There were 5 to start and one was such a slow poke I wondered if it would ever haul it's plump little butt up to the top of the cup to pack it's self into it's changing room. It did, finally, but far after the example set by the other 4. So it is still hanging out in there. Who knows, perhaps it will come out when it's damn good and ready. Boots can't understand why they can't be pets that we keep, like the puppies, or Hope our HUGE cat. We will let them go tomorrow, and when he gets to hold it and have it walk on his hand and THEN fly away, I think that he will get that is the right thing. I think that experience will far out weigh them leaving in his mind.
So I have caught the sewing bug. And I've got it bad!!!! I think it was brought on by not only a lot of really amazing patterns out there, but a tremendously difficult time finding a dress that I wouldn't be mortified to wear to a wedding that we recently attended. This was no ordinary wedding, it was a 300 person, suits for the guys, fillet mignons and seared sea bass, sit down dinner at the country club, exclusive cocktail dress and NO kids kind of wedding. Normally not my kind of scene. It used to be, but as of almost 8 years ago, it quickly became a different ball game.
Anyhow, you would not believe the time I had finding a dress that was appropriate, comfortable, stylish (I'm not a fit in with the crowd kind of girl). And I suppose while I am griping about this, you should know a few things. 1) I am average size, my chest however doesn't like those measurements and refuses to fit into anything even close to that neighborhood of average. I am ahem....... voluptuous. I have had two kids, and they have been working boobs. They just never realized that it was time to leave when the work was through. I know a lot of people that say they would like to have some more than what they do. To that I say, haul these around for a few days, see how your back treats ya, then come and talk to me.
Where was I? 2) I have a tattoo, on the left side of my chest, near the middle, over my heart, you would have to know me to understand, and yes there are others, although not as visible on a daily level. I got this tattoo for me and me alone. I have no problem with people seeing it, commenting on it or asking about it. However, there are times when I would prefer not to show it. Saturday was one of those times. Oh yes what a complete disaster shopping for a dress can be... so if you are built like me then you have two options, to dress like a slut or to dress like a grandma. I realize there are other clothing choices, but they are really difficult to come across. If I get some thing that fits me in the chest then I swim in the rest of it. It I get something that fits the rest of me, you can forget even getting it anywhere near zipped past my lower back. I have no idea why I did not turn to the do it yourself option of dress making before now. We have a busy year, lots of weddings, I suppose no time like the present to get my ass in gear and pony up to the machine.
I started looking for patterns a few days ago and was thrilled by what I found. There is a ton out there! Really fantastic ones like this...

Or this....

I LOVE these! And there are tons more. Now I just need to purchase a body form....,
Ahhhh to dream...