So Little p wants to learn to sew, I have been teaching her the basics for a while and now she wants to try them out on these:

I found this book on Ebay:

I have wanted to buy one of these books for quite some time, but seeing as though I don't speak Japanese or read it for that matter, I have always been leery of being able to follow every last detail that I would need to know to complete these super cute crafts.
But since this one was a really, really, inexpensive one and it's shipping was free, all the way from Japan I couldn't say no.
As you can see, we had no problem with very clear pictures!

Boots loves his! And his little hamster has lived quite the adventurous life so far, including piloting a helicopter,

Boots has had it easy, while he had momma to do all of the work for him to produce such a fun little playmate,

Little P is slaving away, pricked fingers and all to make one of her very own. That's my girl, sometimes effort doesn't mean as much until blood is shed, then it is a real accomplishment.

She is sooo my kid.
I have been searching for a book or something online that will show me how to make these cute little hamsters.. any way to give me some tips?
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