Hi there! If you live in NY, you will understand when I say... Is is freakin' hot enough for ya??? What in the name of God is going on here? Earlier in the week it was like 50. Now it's 94. How ya like them apples? My children are loving this weather. They are in the pool and on the slip and slide and sitting under the big umbrella that covers our deck sipping their grape juice with apple juice ice-cubes savoring the sweat inducing weather. Meanwhile Mr. Fantastic and I are trying to keep the dogs cool, they LOVE ice cubes in their water by the way.
Not to keep things cold, oh no, that would be to much in favor of the point. But to play with, they work like hell to get them out of the water and play a little hockey with them out on the deck, and then cry this pitiful cry when they leave their prize possession long enough to bring their soaked faces and front paws through the kitchen to find us hoping we will follow so they can show us their amazing achievement, only to find a puddle of water where they left it. They then run around frantically searching, looking at us on occasion as if to say "I left it right here, did some one take it? I am certain I left it right here... See someone was here.... look at this water?!!!
Any how, it's not suppose to be getting any cooler for a few days so wish us luck, and maybe and extra thought to some cool evenings. By the end of the week it's suppose to be in the low 70's. I just don't get the weather!
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