Hi there! How was your weekend? Ours was busy as always. Jenn and I went to this insane garage sale at the Monroe County fairgrounds early Saturday morning which, incidentally, was right next door to the gun show. Apparently you can haul all of the crap that you acquired at the garage sale over to the Gun Show with no issues, but you cannot first purchase a fire arm and use it to help sway the vendors to the price you want over at the garage sale, I know it seems unfair, but them's the rules.
We didn't find much, but we had a great time catching up, sipping our coffee and listening to people haggle over a dollar item. I have been on a bit of a milk glass hunt as of late, and I found this pitcher...

When we left we stopped at
Christmas Tree Shops on the way home. If you have never been you have no idea what you are missing. This place is huge and well organized and contrary to the name, not even remotely filled with Christmas crap! We spent forever walking up and down every isle, entertaining the hell out of each other. We both managed to leave before we were broke. I found this for a dollar

It's so cute, and I try to buy one new decoration per holiday, per year. So what I do buy is worth it.
Christmas cards just didn't happen this year, and my plans to send out New Years cards kind of fell through too. So I have a new plan, it will involve both children and three dogs... And will use these...

On Sunday we had a bit of a puppy party, meet Coco:

She will be coming here to stay very shortly. The woman who is currently fostering her also brought over her Japanese Chin, Yoshi.

The foster is a lovely lady, whom we invited for dinner and play time. I made a Clementine Pie, with a shortbread and coconut crust, I have to say this surprised me, it turned out to be the right combo of crunchy and smooth.

Coco has been over to play a few times and is right at home. So yup. The crazy house is about to get crazier!