The Stuffed Undead
I haven't had much time to sew lately, and truthfully I have missed it. So this weekend I surfed on over to Wee Wonderfuls and bought myself the Make-A-Long Story downloads, and they came with a bonus pattern each. Gotta love that! I have pined after them for a while now, and I decided that I no longer wanted them, I NEEDED them. Hillary, you are so talented, I need to sing your praises. Not only was it fun, it was easy and it was just the kick I needed to feed my creative monster, thank you so much!
After a quick trip to Jo-Anns, my arms full fun patterned flat quarters, I was ready to sew, sew, sew. And sew I did! I figured that since I would be making three assembly line process was the best way to go. I was all set to stretch everything out across my desk when Pippin put a little kink in my plans. I mean honestly who could move this????
Needless to say once I did get started it was hard to stop. I had to force myself to go to bed! But not before I fully completed one. It just happened to be a Zombie, for you know who.... this was before I finished stitching the skull on the shirt.
Here he is, all finished, ready to haunt someones dreams.
Cweeeeepy as Boots said. On to the ones for the actual kids! I will post pics when they are finished. The kids are both off from school this week, so free time is seriously limited, but we have a few things planned to keep every body happy and out of trouble, and hopefully a few minutes here and there to stuff and stitch! Stay tuned!
After a quick trip to Jo-Anns, my arms full fun patterned flat quarters, I was ready to sew, sew, sew. And sew I did! I figured that since I would be making three assembly line process was the best way to go. I was all set to stretch everything out across my desk when Pippin put a little kink in my plans. I mean honestly who could move this????

I am so in love with this guy, it hurts!!!
Oh my! This is the coolest doll pattern ever! My daughter will beyond adore the one you made for Jennifer at Felt Mouse! Thanks for hte link!
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