Broken Little P

New sneakers - Check
New Clothes- Check
Every school supply that a 3rd Grader could ever need- Check
A new broken ankle- Check!
Wait... what? Who put that last one in there, oh yeah, Fate.
Yesterday Little P had a friend over from a sleep over the night before and they were playing in the house. Now, anyone that has spent any amount of time in this house recently had heard me warn both of my children to stop jumping down the last few stairs. I have no idea why, but apparently they simply cannot step down those last few steps. I was in the middle of one of those warnings when Little P threw caution to the wind and jumped, there was a disgusting crack and then my tan Little P turned as white as a ghost, and then came the scream. Now anyone who has never heard the scream I am talking about, count yourself so lucky. I personally think there is nothing worse.
So after an afternoon at the pediatric orthopedic she has two fractures in her ankle and a new set of crutches! Thankful they gave us the option of a casting boot verses a traditional cast.

You just never know what life has planned.
ouch! I hope she is feeling better!!
Like she told her Grandpa "I went 8 1/2 years without breaking a bone". Heal quickly sweetheart and Grandpa hopes it is much longer before another break.
Hoping for a quick mend!
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