Rain, Rain, Go Away
If you are in New York today, specifically western New York state, I'm sorry.
It's cold and wet and definitely not go out side and play weather. So we decided that it was time for the apple cooking to begin. So first we made apple sauce. I make it in the crock pot. It's easier, I don't have to watch it every second and it makes the whole house smell fantastic for hours!
We selected,just which of our gorgeous, handpicked, home grown apples we were going to sacrafice to the cause.
And cut up about three pounds of these huge 20 ouces ones.
We then sprinkled on 1 cup of sugar,
Lots of Cinnamon,
And nutmeg, I am a big fan of nutmeg, so if I am going to use it in something, I am going to do it right. Get your self one of these,
They are easy to find, and the difference is incredible. And it takes forever to go through even a few actual nutmeg nuts.
Turn the heat on low and in about 4 hours it will be done. At that point you take a potato masher or even a sturdy whisk and mash up the apples to what consistency you like your apple sauce to be. It will keep for a week or so in the fridge and about 6 months in the freezer.
We also decided that today was the kind of day that homemade chicken soup was invented for. So that is simmering on the stove now.
Full of veggies and white wine and lots of spices and of course chicken, it smells good in my house today! Come on over, we will save you a bowl!
By the way, is anyone interested in an adorable dog, he doesn't eat much, only three or four foam stickers...
And some shoe laces !!!!!!!
He has no idea how lucky he is that he is sooooooo cute!

We selected,just which of our gorgeous, handpicked, home grown apples we were going to sacrafice to the cause.

Turn the heat on low and in about 4 hours it will be done. At that point you take a potato masher or even a sturdy whisk and mash up the apples to what consistency you like your apple sauce to be. It will keep for a week or so in the fridge and about 6 months in the freezer.
We also decided that today was the kind of day that homemade chicken soup was invented for. So that is simmering on the stove now.

By the way, is anyone interested in an adorable dog, he doesn't eat much, only three or four foam stickers...

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