The Cold Hard Truth

In my opinion,there are two types of people in this world. There are the people who will trust until given a reason not to, and those who will not trust you one ounce until you have earned it. I am the latter. I am not proud of this fact, and I have unfortunately been this way all of my life. But not with out reason, I have tried to give trust out first, it never works for me and I am done getting burned. I have had my disappointments, everyone does, I just never forget them. I will not put my self in the weak ass position of being a victim. Not for something that I can control. I am accountable for every decision I have ever made, good, bad or indifferent, I own them all. Which also makes me sole owner of my choice of information that I put out there. I often find myself envious with just a hint of curiosity of those people who are open and accepting, I am a very private person, I just can't open up like that. It feels like major exposure to me. What are you doing with a blog then, you might say, well I can censor every part of what I put out there. And I do, it's my security, and if you don't like it, then stop reading. If you respect my need and right for privacy, but also recognize that I want to share some of my life with you, then by all means, read on.

I want them to grow up respectfully careful but not super guarded like me. I don't want them to miss out on relationships or experiences that they will need to grow later on, because I have coached them to protect them selves to an extreme level. I think there is a certain amount of openness that you need to possess at some time early in your life. It almost makes it so later on when things go wrong, you can pick your self up and go again. If you are not already set against the world, it makes it easier to think you can fix it.
I am quick to set people at arms length away. If you wrong me, I will never forget it. I can however forgive it, but that still doesn't put you back where you were before. In fact, that quickly places you over there with all of the others I have disowned. And once I have made that decision, I will never let you in close enough to harm me again. I understand that is not by definition forgiveness, well with me that is as close as you are going to get. I realize never is a very permeant word, and I have meant it every time I have said it. Do I think that perhaps this is a little harsh, and not leading by example is wrong? Yes, I do, however I am not comfortable with the carelessness that people treat trust with. I have worked to hard and to long to earn it with the people that I feel are important to me to disrespect them and the bond that we have created. On the other side of that, if I have ever told you that I loved you at any point in my life, I have and still do mean it with every fiber of my being. I am just as passionate about the depth it takes to really love someone, as I am about who I trust.
It is so important to me to give them the best possible starts in life, they are amazing and I am honored to be a part of their lives. I just hope that I am careful to not have them be too much like me.
What a beautiful post - and absolutely beautiful pictures. Makes me feel like a schmuck for posting my goofy mug lately...
I, too, am very guarded about friends and trust. I have very complicated terms to describe people (My husband's friend's wife that I attend book group with, My co-worker that I occasionally go out to eat with) to avoid the dreaded word "friend."
I could go on and on, but just know that this post rings very true for me.
Your "Blog Buddy,"
I understand what you'er saying but I must admit I am just the opposit. I propably trust to much. I always give people the benifit of the doubt. You don't have to earn my trust, but you can lose it. Have I been burnt, oh ya. But I refuse to let those incidents rule my life. I don't want to push good people away by standing at a distance. The rottin ones will show their cards soon enough, than I can choose to let them stay or show them the door.
First of all, love the pictures. This blog was definately food for thought. I am the the first type of person you described. I definately trust people first until they give me reason not to. I am also pretty forgiving and can give more chances before all trust is lost. I guess it's because I hope people would give me the same benefit of the doubt. I teach my children that trust is very easy to loose and extremely hard to gain back, so treat it seriously and with respect. Life is too short for me to possibly miss out on some wonderful relationships (even if they don't last long or the end result is some hurt).
Goosey is the same as Little P, most people are her friends immediately. That can be a little scary sometimes, but I love how kids are so open and accepting to all kinds of people. She does have her 6th sense however. For example, there is this one man who teaches swimming at her swim school and she refuses to have anything to do with him. Keep in mind she has had at least 15 different teachers over the years male and female alike and never refused to swim with any of them, until this man. He has never done anything to her but she has some reason not to trust him. Because she is so open to others, I am glad she follows her gut when something tells her something isn't right with someone. I don't know what it is but I support her decision to stay clear.
Lucky Lindy,
I don't doubt that I have probably pushed good people away by being me, but I can't be something I'm not. I am ackward and I realize it. At least that is a step in some direction. Some people don't realize that they are socially inadequate, I know it and try like hell to correct it. I envy your ability to trust people to the extent that you do. It's really an admirable quality. It's just not one that I have ever had. From the day that I met you, you have displayed a very level head and open heart, it was alarming to me to meet someone like you. And for me one moment with you will ring in my ears and heart forever. I was out by my car and Little P was little. You may not even remember it, but it changed me forever. For that moment I thank you.
can i just say that picture of you at the top is S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. i can't quit looking at it.
shoot, now i sound like a
i unfortunately am the first one. i usually trust until you give me a reason not to. believe you me, this isn't necessarily the best way to be.
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