School Days
Fall is one of those times of the year when you can't help but think of bright yellow school buses and new backpacks, packed so full of back to school necessities that the zippers barley close. All of the new school clothes, and I will say that it is the only time you seen a zillion pairs of bright white sneakers. This is only valid on the morning of the first day of school, by the time they get home, the are scuffed from a glorious day of reunion play with your friends.
Little P started second grade today. She woke up at the crack of dawn and was dressed and completely ready to have breakfast at 7:01!!! She was so excited to see her friends and see her teacher, and most of all be the big shots in her school. They only go to second grade, and then it's a whole new school for third, fourth and fifth, and then on to another school for the final years. I love how much she loves school. It does my heart good to know that she is a little disappointed when it's a snow day, yes, she loves school that much.
I love this time of year. I love fall clothes, I love the change in the leaves, I love fall colors, they are warm and soft, with a bit of elegance to them. Fall for me, feels like home. The smell of baked apples and warm maple syrup, screams fall. Mix that with coffee and I am back in my mom's kitchen on a Saturday morning.
I have the worst memory of anyone I know, but the few memories I have from growing up, or even of my home town that still are easily recalled are memories that take place this time of year. I will never forget coming home for a friends wedding in the fall of my freshman year of college, and walking out on to our back deck and seeing my mother standing in a football field sized garden, surrounded on three sides by the changing leaves from the vast forest that surrounded out hill top home. In front of her was a red wheel barrow overflowing with deep orange pumpkins. The sun was setting behind her and the breeze playfully blew her auburn hair around her face, she then tucked it firmly behind her ear, a gesture I'd see her do a million times before. She looked up and saw me, immediately her lovely face took on this familiar smile. And she yelled Hey Kiddo!!! Wanna carve pumpkins?
The minute the leaves start to turn, when it cools down at night, and there is a crispness to the air, this is what I see, this is what my thoughts wander to. That weekend I stood next to one of my best friends and watched her marry her high school sweetheart, it was beautiful, that I remember, but the rest of the details of the day escape me.
But that Friday, looking out into the garden at my mom framed in the light from the sunset, that... I will never forget.

I have the worst memory of anyone I know, but the few memories I have from growing up, or even of my home town that still are easily recalled are memories that take place this time of year. I will never forget coming home for a friends wedding in the fall of my freshman year of college, and walking out on to our back deck and seeing my mother standing in a football field sized garden, surrounded on three sides by the changing leaves from the vast forest that surrounded out hill top home. In front of her was a red wheel barrow overflowing with deep orange pumpkins. The sun was setting behind her and the breeze playfully blew her auburn hair around her face, she then tucked it firmly behind her ear, a gesture I'd see her do a million times before. She looked up and saw me, immediately her lovely face took on this familiar smile. And she yelled Hey Kiddo!!! Wanna carve pumpkins?
The minute the leaves start to turn, when it cools down at night, and there is a crispness to the air, this is what I see, this is what my thoughts wander to. That weekend I stood next to one of my best friends and watched her marry her high school sweetheart, it was beautiful, that I remember, but the rest of the details of the day escape me.
But that Friday, looking out into the garden at my mom framed in the light from the sunset, that... I will never forget.
Fall is definitely a memory-inducing time for me as well...Love the bit about the white shoes!!
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