Sunday ,Sunday, Sunday
Normally Mr. Fantastic is kind of a grouch about Sunday's of course until Football season gets here, then I get to be a grouch. I couldn't tell you exactly why, you'd have to ask him. So yesterday he decided that he was going to make this Sunday something we would enjoy. So he thought up some fun stuff to do. We started out with a big late breakfast and then at noon or so, we took the kids to see Monster House. This movie is genius!
We all loved it and the kids were incredibly patient through the 85 minutes of commercials, not previews, that they tend to show now at the movies. Because isn't that what we all want to pay money to see, more freakin' commercials? I already pay a fee to see those, it's called my cable bill.
Okay, so now you've guessed that I don't dig commercials, however, the movie when it finally came on was great. It was funny and a little spooky and respectably risky. Definitely made for parents and kids to dig. So armed with a Pink Lemonade and a little popcorn, the kids settled in for a good show.
After that,we took Little P and Boots to get ice cream, I know, I know, it's August here in New York and this is the first time we have been out for ice cream.
I realize this makes us bad parents to some of you, but for us, this is the long awaited treat that it is meant to be. Mr. Fantastic suggested that we go to a place next to the park. It was adorable, right down to the flower leis that were attached to the paper-towel holders on the tables. The service was outstanding, including free tastes of anything that you wanted to try while deciding, and I am a sucker for homemade ice cream.
While the Little P and Boots made up their sugar high anticipating minds, we ordered from their grill. We ordered some white hot combos, it was a soda and chips and a hot dog for $2.50, or for a mere 50 cents more you could experience the joy of this!
A milk shake,a white hot and chips for $3.00. Not only was this one of the cutest milk shakes I have ever seen, but one of the tastiest. Come on, don't tell me it didn't win you over with it's sparkly baby pink sugar sprinkled on top of that mountain of whipped cream! We will definitely be coming back again!
So after Boots happily snacked on my white hot and milkshake, and we were all substantially refueled we were off for a rousing game of Disc Golf.
For those of you who are not or were not aware that this sport exists take a peek at your neighbor hood park. They probably have a course or two. It is played in the same spirit as actual golf, sticking with the 9 hole increments and different drivers, but it is played with Frisbee looking discs.
This is something that Mr. Fantastic is really into, he plays every week, at least a couple of times. And not only is it a great walk in the woods, it's free. The courses are all open to, and maintained by the public.
Little P shocked the pants off of Mr. Fantastic and myself, being apparently gifted with frisbee ability. And I think this was Boots first trip into the woods. He ran around picking up sticks, checking out moss, occasionally throwing a disk or two.
Mainly the bugs and the branches were his thing.
After some synchronized bird watching we decided that it had been a very fun and very full day and it was time to go home. Hope you had an adventurous Sunday too!

Okay, so now you've guessed that I don't dig commercials, however, the movie when it finally came on was great. It was funny and a little spooky and respectably risky. Definitely made for parents and kids to dig. So armed with a Pink Lemonade and a little popcorn, the kids settled in for a good show.

So after Boots happily snacked on my white hot and milkshake, and we were all substantially refueled we were off for a rousing game of Disc Golf.

What a wonderful day!! I love days filled with nothing but family fun. Thanks for sharing. Next time we are in town, lets go to that cute little ice cream place.
If you come on out I will take you where ever you want to go! hehehe This place was so cute and it had beach balls to play with at every table abd a kids ball gym to play in, my camera died before I could get more pics, after more batteries we were all set.
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