Kids:One Parents:Zip
Okay, so I stand corrected. Little P and Boots had such fun and were so well behaved that when the heat was again well over 98 we decided that the previous sleeping arrangements worked just fine. And we would do it again, after all they were complete angels....
What the hell were we thinking?
If something like that goes well, who in their right mind tempts fate and tries it again? But Mr. Fantastic and myself are either brave or stupid, we haven't decided which one yet.
We had them ready with an early discussion about it. Mistake #1. We have learned over time that our children do better if they don't have a ton of advance notice about a fun event. Because if they do have said knowledge then they drive you crazy about it for the hours leading up to it. We apparently lost our minds temporarily and informed them of the plan.
We also let them watch a movie while laying in bed, cooling off and relaxing before bed. Mistake #2. After many heated arguments, they finally managed to agree on Tarzan. So after much giggling and bouncing around, and fifty five trips to our room to throw each other under the bus for something, or to inform us of some major catastrophic event that took place which was by no means their fault, we heard noises coming from the supposedly vacant room O' Boots. Mr. Fantastic had enough, he opened our door and proceeded to find out what in gods name had them out of their bed this time.
He walked into Boots room, to find a completely bare bottomed little boy, waiting for his sister to fish a dry pull up out of his drawer. After clothing the child, and tucking everyone back into bed, he came back to bed, grinning, and began to paint the picture for me of this naked little boy holding a punch ball in front of himself with his little white butt for the world to see, having the nerve to look shocked when dad opened the door.
A few minutes passed and we began to hear the craziness start back up in the family room. Mr. Fantastic was getting up to get a drink and informs me, that he's got this one. He walks down the stairs to the family room, standing outside of the door he hears Little P in a loud whisper inform Boots that someone is outside of the door. Mr. Fantastic then enters the room just in time to see Boots dive under the covers with his eyes closed and appear to be a in deep sleep, amazingly enough we have the old three year old in the world that hyperventilates when he sleeps.
This was funny for a ton of reasons, most notably that he even knows how to try to pull one over on the folks at the age of three. I am certain that we have Little P to thank for this advancement in manipulation. I suppose that is a step up from the lack of sibling code earlier, at least they were working together for something, even if it was to deceive us.
Mistake #3 :Laughing so hard I almost fell off the edge of the bed. Never let them see you break....
Kids: 1 Parents: 0

We also let them watch a movie while laying in bed, cooling off and relaxing before bed. Mistake #2. After many heated arguments, they finally managed to agree on Tarzan. So after much giggling and bouncing around, and fifty five trips to our room to throw each other under the bus for something, or to inform us of some major catastrophic event that took place which was by no means their fault, we heard noises coming from the supposedly vacant room O' Boots. Mr. Fantastic had enough, he opened our door and proceeded to find out what in gods name had them out of their bed this time.

A few minutes passed and we began to hear the craziness start back up in the family room. Mr. Fantastic was getting up to get a drink and informs me, that he's got this one. He walks down the stairs to the family room, standing outside of the door he hears Little P in a loud whisper inform Boots that someone is outside of the door. Mr. Fantastic then enters the room just in time to see Boots dive under the covers with his eyes closed and appear to be a in deep sleep, amazingly enough we have the old three year old in the world that hyperventilates when he sleeps.
This was funny for a ton of reasons, most notably that he even knows how to try to pull one over on the folks at the age of three. I am certain that we have Little P to thank for this advancement in manipulation. I suppose that is a step up from the lack of sibling code earlier, at least they were working together for something, even if it was to deceive us.

Kids: 1 Parents: 0
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
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