T-shirts Galore
Okay, so this last week, we were walking through Barnes and Noble, and I saw a clerk standing at the center help desk. On a whim I asked if they had a book that I had been searching for. I am normally the order it from Amazon get a better deal kind of girl, but some times, I run low on patience and it seems like I have been wanting this book for a while now. So she declared that Yes, they do have it, it was just a matter of finding it. So she took off to scour the store for me and I looked around at the books on the tables, while talking to Mr. Fantastic about said book. She returned, and with a questioning look handed me this book....

I turned to Mr. Fantastic and gave a uncharacteristic girlie like squeal, this is the book for me! I turned it over and unhappily declared that I could get it for a lot less, with shipping included, so I'd better wait. Mr. Fantastic in his typical fashion, said " Oh no, you have waited for too long to get this, and you never want to buy any thing for yourself and Blah, blah, blah, sweet things to say, blah, blah, blah. In the end, I walked out with visions of new tee's in my head and the guide to get them in my hand. Thank goodness, Mr. Fantastic gets me!
Here are two that I have made so far. BTW I have had this Animal T-shirt for ever and I love it, but it never fit right! Now it will! And I was very pleasently surprised to find more than just t-shirts as I read, which for any one who knows me, is my work attire. I became a stay at home mom only after the birth of Boots. So before that it was business or business casual. So I was more than happy to retire that and take on the t-shirts and shorts or jeans depending on the weather!

There were bags, and skirts and for the extreme budget minded bride to be, a wedding dress.... To each their own I guess, but on that thought, how comfortable were you on your wedding day? Sound appealing now?

I turned to Mr. Fantastic and gave a uncharacteristic girlie like squeal, this is the book for me! I turned it over and unhappily declared that I could get it for a lot less, with shipping included, so I'd better wait. Mr. Fantastic in his typical fashion, said " Oh no, you have waited for too long to get this, and you never want to buy any thing for yourself and Blah, blah, blah, sweet things to say, blah, blah, blah. In the end, I walked out with visions of new tee's in my head and the guide to get them in my hand. Thank goodness, Mr. Fantastic gets me!
Here are two that I have made so far. BTW I have had this Animal T-shirt for ever and I love it, but it never fit right! Now it will! And I was very pleasently surprised to find more than just t-shirts as I read, which for any one who knows me, is my work attire. I became a stay at home mom only after the birth of Boots. So before that it was business or business casual. So I was more than happy to retire that and take on the t-shirts and shorts or jeans depending on the weather!

There were bags, and skirts and for the extreme budget minded bride to be, a wedding dress.... To each their own I guess, but on that thought, how comfortable were you on your wedding day? Sound appealing now?
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