In the Wee Small Hours

I am not sure what is up with Boots, but I have got to figure it out and soon!
I am not a big advocate for family beds. I personally feel that children need to have their own space, as do parents. I also feel that they need to have a schedule and part of that schedule is going to bed before I do, in most cases. I am also pretty adamant that they are comfortable being alone. I think that a false sence of security that is sometimes fostered with constantly having someone within inches is not allowing the kids to get into a habit of falling asleep naturally when they are tired, and needing someone there to feel comfortable enough to sleep is a recipe for a problem later in life. These are only my views that I carry with my two children. If you feel differently, good for you for having an opinion and sticking to it. It's just not the right choice for MY family.
With all of that being said, normally Boots is a great sleeper, not to mention a rather snazzy PJ dresser!

Not the case as of late, not even close. He is up every few hours, so we alternately get up tuck him back in, as the night wears on, he gets crankier and crankier and starts to cry and say he doesn't want to be alone. And that is it for me,I can't handle the idea of him feeling left all alone, that is why I spend the majority of the night in his rocking chair next to his bed, holding his hand. If we can't convince him to go back to his own bed and it is in the wee small hours of the morning that he makes his short little way to our room, and crawls into bed with us. Too cute at times to say no.
I remember when Little P was 3 and we came out every morning for close to a year with her asleep on the couch. Nothing we did stopped it. And when the time was right for her, she slept all night in her room for the most part ever since.
Do I wait it out, do I try to reason more with a tired 3 year old ( who by the way has a will as strong as iron, no one is ever pushing this child to do something he does not want to do). Do I buy a more comfortable rocker and settle in? I am open to suggestions folks!
Cannot help with this one. I gave birth to the 2 worst sleepers in the universe. Both kids have their own room, which they sleep in, both have a scheduled routine and yet, Magoo woke every 2 hours for over 3 years. She just in the past month has been sleeping through the night from 8pm- 7am GLORY BE!!. However Little Man fluctuates between waking every 45 minutes to 2 hours. If you find a miracle cure....pass it on to me. Love, Sleep Deprived Mama
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