Friday, December 29, 2006

I took a little break due to the holiday, it was nice but I missed you, so I am back. And this happens to be my 100th post. So I am going to tell you a few things about myself...

I love the color Grey.

I read really fast, therefore I read A LOT.

I always have my toenails painted. I distinctly remember being in the moderately early stages of unstoppable labor with Little P, sitting on the steps painting my toenails...

I always wear a Indian Head Dime either around my neck or on my ankle.

I am a creative person at heart, if I don't feed that part of me, I feel numb.

I have saved every drawing or piece of artwork that Little P has ever done.

I am running out of room for all of the boxes that hold that precious artwork!

I like the fact that once I make up my mind- It's not going to change.

I am not so in love with the fact that I have a hard time making up my mind. Anyone that has ever been out to dinner with me, knows this fact all too well.

I have eaten a lot of Cotton Candy in my life, and I still love it!

Not too long ago, one of my oldest friends and I had a falling out- it kills me every day.

I am mending ties with my own two BFG's, little by little.

I wear glasses to read, Mr. Fantastic loves them.

I have a thing for the rain.

I actually like driving.

One of my favorite movies is Fight Club.

I really loved my first car, it was a silver Volkswagen Gulf, with a moon roof. Loved this car!

I have a decent thresh hold for pain, so if I am reaching for the Advil, I need it.

I don't sleep much.

Not sleeping much, allows me to get a ton done!!!!

So that is enough about me for now, to all of my blog buddies, tell me your weird traits... I promise I won't judge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much DO you sleep? I wish I could function perfectly well on, say, 5 hours. That would be cool.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

You are just so awesome! :)

5:39 AM  

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