Little P's birthday was wonderful. She is the most appreciative little girl I have ever seen! She was so excited for what she got, and never once did we hear "but I asked for..." She was all thank you's and smiles! She was ridiculously happy over the cupcakes, not my finest, so you will not be seeing them here! I still reserve the right to censor, and apparently pink kitty cupcakes are not in my repertoire of things I do well....

This is the robe that I was making for her.

She has been wearing the same one I made for her a number of years ago a lot lately. A subtle plea for a new one? Who knows, but it worked, so now she has a new one to keep her cozy for a few winters to come.
She is in love with
American Girl Dolls, this is

A gift from her California livin' grandparents. She started talking about wanting a American Girl doll a while ago, and as chance would have it, one of the last trips that brought the grandrents home, they brought her these:

Furthering her want for a doll of her own. So I went on-line and ordered a catalog that she could brows through, and that she did. She would lay on the floor in her room and pour over the pages armed with a pink marker, agonizing over what to circle, it was almost painful to watch. But alas, she decided on one, and low and behold it was in her hot little hands on her birthday, I am not sure I have ever seen her smile like that.
She also got
these, both the dog and the cat for her doll.

Her super cool Aunt K and family got her the Bratz styling head, she loves Chloe, so this was huge! And it comes with makeup and nail polish... oh man the messes you could make are endless!

Dinner went really well, as promised she got lobster, thank goodness for Sam's Club!

Her other request was twice baked potatoes, before:


I think those were influenced heavily by her dad.. very sneaky... She went to bed a very happy pumpkin, declaring this the best birthday yet!
What you failed to mention was that Boots also declared it the "best birthday ever", and it wasn't even his! When you can make a 3 year old boy declare his 8 year old sister's birthday the "best ever" with twice baked potatoes and lobster tails, you know you're doing something right!
Yes, we all owe Little P a debt of gratitude for choosing the meal, and you, my lovely wife, for preparing it!
Wow, sounds like a great birthday! Wish her a happy (belated) one from me!
My niece sure is gorgeous inside and out. Sh deserves the "best birthday ever" every year!!
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