Friday, November 24, 2006


I figured out long ago that time is not a guarantee. I cannot say," Oh, I can do that tomorrow," and feel okay about it. It hangs over my head like a lead balloon, because do we really know for each and every one of us that tomorrow will come?

Don't get me wrong I do say that about doing the dishes when Boots tugs at the bottom of my shirt and says Momma, come nuggle with me in my cuzzie chair.... You bet, those dishes can wait. Or when Little P wants to read to me and I am cleaning. Once again the dust will definitely be there tomorrow but her urge to read me The Littles, may not. Or when I am folding laundry and Mr. Fantastic appears in the door way with a movie in one hand and popcorn in the other, do I tell him, Not now, I am folding towels? No, I shut the dryer, off the light and enjoy the time.

If life has taught me anything it is that taking time for granted is dangerous.

If it's important, do it.

If you really feel the need to say something, say it, don't wait, you may not get that chance again.

Be impulsive, it can be lots of fun, it can also be the most honest you have ever been.

Be true to yourself, how ever you can. Even if it's just a little bit every day.

It's sad to say, but I feel sometimes people go through the motions of living. They do what they do because it's socially acceptable, or expected, or worst of all, easy. But in that they can obliterate who they actually are. At times I also fall victim to this, at times it is unavoidable. But I refuse to live my life that way.

I am have been blessed firsthand with the knowledge that life can change forever in a single moment, sometimes in a simple word. So I try to live everyday to the fullest, I love every moment with my family, I am thankful for friends, both new and old. I am thankful that I get insane feelings, that overwhelm me to the point of not breathing, because that means I am alive enough to feel them. I am thankful that who I love, I love deeply, so far beyond the words. I am thankful that sometimes I have the guts to act on what I feel, purely, that is rare. I am thankful for unexpected phone calls. Is there anything more fantastic than hearing a person's voice that you care about. There is something deliciously soothing about certain voices. I am thankful for more time, every day I get is one more to enjoy. And I will take as many as I can get.


Blogger Jennifer W. said...

This is especially true for fun stuff. Don't put off until "next year" the perfect vacation, eating at that restaurant you want to try, or buying that coat that makes you feel like Audrey Hepburn. So many people I know are caught up in working to achieve these things, and like you said - you never know what next year, next week, or even the next day will bring...

10:38 PM  

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