Could We Get Any Crazier?
Okay, it's official we are CRAZY! A while back we lost Hopey.
Not like can't find her lost, but lost her to the great tuna can in the sky. I took it a little harder than I thought I would, and said then and there that we would not have another cat in this house. And I meant it. Because we didn't get A cat, we got TWO cats. So there, see it's all about semantics. Usually I am pretty hard on my resolve. If I decide something I have taken a long time to come to that decision and I am not bending on it. This however was a half hearted attempt at protecting everyone from more loss. However, with out loss, you don't have gain, so may I introduce you to...
and Clark.......
Who could say no to these faces? Well obviously we didn't. And I have to be thankful for Mr. Fantastic on this one. Turns out he really wanted another cat, and he listened to me when I said no, and waited ever so patiently for the perfect opportunity that even I couldn't turn down. Sneaky little devil. He told me after looking at these two little balls of fur with trouble written all over them, "Well, at least we are crazy together."
We will be in for an interesting holiday seeing as though kittens LOVE ornaments and trees! But that should also make it fun. And that I wouldn't have any other way.


We will be in for an interesting holiday seeing as though kittens LOVE ornaments and trees! But that should also make it fun. And that I wouldn't have any other way.
I vowed never to get a cat again after my Cleo passed. But...they have a way of finding you. Most days The Destructive Duo just drive me crazy (barf --again?), but then there are times when both of them are sitting on chairs at the dining room table with me while I'm sewing, and they are just purring away. Not because I am petting them, but just 'cause they are happy to have a nice, warm, safe place to live. I guess they are ok cats to have...
Yours, are totally precious by the way. I def would not have been able to say no to thoses faces!
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