Bread, Glorious Bread
In the continued effort to drop pounds and not starve, I have become addicted to these.
Father Sam's pitas. I stuff them with pickles and brown spicy mustard, I know, gross right? But I love them! I get the mini wheat ones and Boots is now just as addicted. It's just enough actual bread to curb the craving but at 100 calories each, I fail to see what I can complain about!

I've even seen you put a slice of turkey deli meat into them before. They look good, but I just can't do anything that's "wheat". It just doesn't work for me.
I have to say, the healthy eating and running sure look good one you, dear!! I thought you were gorgeous anyway and didn't need to lose any weight, but the renewed self-confidence is the thing that's really making you glow these days!
Yep, I'm one lucky man...
Looks yummy...until you threw the pickles in the middle (YUCK).
We are doing the wheat and multi grain thing here too, mostly for Mike's cholestorol. The kids don't seem to mind and didn't even notice the difference.
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