Thank you all so much for showing the huge love and appreciation for the undead ! Never thought I would say that in this blog! But having done so, I still find it amazing the support you can find in the people that read your blog. I for one, was surprised at the overwhelming amount of e-mails I received in response to the advertising of the book. And the well wishes! I just adore you people!!!! So thank you all so very much!

Okay, on to the first day for Boots. As you might remember he started a private Pre-k this past January. He loved it. It was only two days a week and only an hour and 1/2 at a time. And it was being taught by a woman he knew. All of these things were adding up to a wonderful two days for the boy. My hope from that was that he would gain some independence and be able to experience a class room setting as well as understand the role of teachers and students. He, like most children in this setting thrived. So when it came time for our districts Pre-K program which is 1/2 day Monday through Friday. They also bus the Pre-K students. I am not sure if this is how it works for most schools, but that is how it is done here.
We went to see his class room and meet his teacher a week before he started school along with the other 16 students and their families. I knew right then that any concern I had was totally unfounded. He loved the room, loved the teacher, loved the assistant (whom had Little P in another class last year and adore her and was waiting to get Boots) he couldn't wait to sit and listen and learn. Some of his classmates were hesitant to leave the leg of their parents to explore the room, Boots, on the other hand was almost always a step a head of me! I realized looking at his huge smile and almost insanely contagious excitement that he was in fact, going to be just fine. And boy was he more than ready for school.

Then came the best part, he woke up about three hours too early, bubbling with anticipation not for what the first day of Pre-K might bring, but for the long awaited bus ride. He had spend the last three years watching his sister get on the bus every morning and happily skip down those steps every afternoon. And that, my friends was what he was truly waiting for.

He boarded that bus with just the slightest turn to wave and say good bye smiling the whole way.

There was not one tear shed, not by him any how.

What happens after the bus pulls away is not pretty, not for lots and lots of mama's. I was no exception last Thursday morning. Mr. Fantastic took the day off to see both kids off to school which is yet another thing I LOVE about this man. Little P started a new school as well, but we will talk about that tomorrow! So he was there to help mop up the ridiculous trail of tears that led back into the house!
And at 11:20 on the dot I was pacing the end of that drive way like it was my job. I was more than ready to know that my baby was fine, to hear all about his day. And last but certainly not least, to know that the bus ride although exciting for him, and nerve racking for me, went fine. You see, he has never ridden in a car with anyone that would not sacrifice them self to save him in a heart beat. I do not know this bus driver and I was fairly certain that sel sacrifice was not part of his job description.
However he did arrive home, safe and sound, declaring that this was the best day of his whole life, all four years of it!

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