Don't Eat My Baby
I really can't stand snakes. I am not a super girlie girl when it comes to the creepy crawlies. Spiders don't bother me, reptiles are not my favorite things in the world to see, but I can deal with them. But snakes, oh my god, I just can't even think about them with out my skin crawling!!!! So when we went to a birthday party this Sunday for a cousin, and The Reptile Guy was there, it was less than calming for me.
Boots has no fear when it comes to these things, as you can see...
Little P remained on the porch safely out of harms way for most of the show! She looked as mortified and sickened as I felt!
But I do have to say that the kids were absolutely riveted! The age range of kids there was from a little over one to about 14. They were all completely enthralled with the whole experience, as were the adults that were there. And as grossed out as I was, I still managed to learn something. The handlers were incredibly knowledgeable and very patient and personable. When everyone was done petting the reptiles they were given antibac and a small snake as a thank you for following the rules.
So on the ride home when Boots declared that he wanted them at his birthday party, although I felt my heart skip beat at the thought, I agreed, thinking at least it's educational. We'll see how brave I am in March!
Boots has no fear when it comes to these things, as you can see...

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