Mmmmm Pie, kind of ...
I started down the bunny trail today in an attempt to make the super cute Big Footed Bunny.
Everything was going smooth until I ran into The Big Foot. We had a few go rounds and in the end I won.
It was a struggle, but this little bunny, although she has no face yet, does in fact have two, count em' folks, two feet.
I just love the tail! The dress was easy as pie to put together and will get further embellishments tomorrow. This sweetie little bunny is for my amazingly talented niece whom we call Magoo.
Magoo loves little things, and so does Little P. So when I saw this:
In a book that I stumbled across I knew I would be making the little blanket wrapped babies for these bunnies to have as dolls. (click on the pic to see it bigger) Can you stand it???
I did manage to make a pie today, Lemon Meringue to be exact.
I have been craving this something fierce. But with all of that time at the gym, I am not about to undo it by eating pie. So I opted for a low fat, low sugar version. Pipe down with the gasps, and whispers of blasphemy. I know, I know, I know. I commited pie sin, but can you blame me? I can't be expected to really give up pie... But I am not doing another hour of cardio on top of the time that I am already there! I just want to have my pie and eat it to, and I haven't tried it yet, who knows how it will actually taste.
What else did I do today you ask? Let's see, um....OH YEAH, I picked up this ginormous mess like twelve times!!!
Do you even under stand how may dinosaurs are suppose to be IN the bucket??? It's a good thing Boots is ultra cute or he would have been headed for the dungeon today for sure.

I did manage to make a pie today, Lemon Meringue to be exact.

What else did I do today you ask? Let's see, um....OH YEAH, I picked up this ginormous mess like twelve times!!!

That you would even consider making anything as tiny as those bunnies makes you my hero all over again!
I'm sure the pie was still delicious!
That little bunny is so adorable!! I must admit I've never tried making a stuffed creature. Is it hard? It seems so much more complicated than other projects, and so small to work with.
Pie!!! Just what I have been wanting. Let us know how the lowfat version tastes.
Oh your bunny is so cute!
As for the pie, I'm sure it was still yummy. Now I want some!
I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I really enjoy it!
I have been holding off on buying the Big Footed Bunny pattern, but seeing how cute yours is looking so far is weakening my resolve.
I can't wait to see how they all turn out! :)
Thank you so much for the lovely comments! And I will tell you that the pie was great. I didn't miss anything. It tasted like every other yummy lemon meringue pie I have had. So I will be posting a recipe for those of you who want to give it a try.
Katie Jean- I hoped on over to your blog, love it! Going on my links of chicks I read
Heather, I am sorry to say that I cannot get to your blog, I would love to take a look at it, so send the URL on over my way when you get a chance okay?
Thanks ladies!
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