Mail for me!
This sooooo deserves another post all it's own!!! I finally get back home after running every where within twenty square miles and I go out to get the mail. I half heartedly open the box expecting the usual crap, crap and bills and I find package for me. When I saw the return post I let out a little squeal! What a fantastic unexpected surprise! Look at the plethora of goodies Jennifer, over at The Felt Mouse sent me!!!
First there are these cutie pie little food picks, I LOVE these!
The Monkey is my favorite.
When she posted about these picks I declared that I MUST find some all my own.
Well I never did, and somehow members of the blog friends network know all because they were wrapped in tissue waiting for me to open them!
She also sent these fantastic flat head pins, and with all of this sewing that I have been churning out I can guarantee they will not sit around gathering dust!
The cutest little strawberry print candy cups. I think these scream to be filled with a glorious chocolate truffle...
These are so sweet they make my teeth hurt!

Jennifer, you are fantastic and I just adore you! Thank you so much for making my day that much brighter!
First there are these cutie pie little food picks, I LOVE these!

She also sent these fantastic flat head pins, and with all of this sewing that I have been churning out I can guarantee they will not sit around gathering dust!

Jennifer, you are fantastic and I just adore you! Thank you so much for making my day that much brighter!
Oh - well it's probably just as well you don't have a store like this around you. If the soy sauce bottles make your teeth ache, seeing all of this goodness together would give you a full on stomach ache. It does me, anyway.
Enjoy your goodies!
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