Bus or Birthday ?
Boots had his party at school this past Thursday. There are 12 children in his class and it is difficult for them to get time to eat a snack along with the other activites that they plan for the small amount of time that they are there. So Boots decided that he wanted to give his friends gift bags. We took a trip to the party store and picked out all sorts of wonderful stuff to fill the bags with. Pencils, bouncy balls, bubbles, a snack pack of animal crackers, erasers, a balloon,oh yeah... and a whistle. Those parents are going to love me!
These are what they looked like all ready to go....
I tried to get him to pick a little birthday tag, but he insisted on the bus. And who am I to argue with the birthday boy?
On a side note they were originally hanging out on the dining room table for the night, until I heard a rustle of paper and a bang. I got out of bed, it was around 12:30 and Merry, our 5 pound kitten had taken one the bags and was running down the steps with it. Now I think the bag was bigger than she was, so it was all sorts of awkward for her to run away with. She was trying not to trip on it and falling down every other step because of it... I got the bag back completely unharmed but decided to put them in the back of the car for safe keeping.
These are what they looked like all ready to go....

Love how it looks like the bus is running down the road!
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