Birthdays Galore!
Things are a little on the crazy side here, so I haven't had much of a chance to update. March is one of those months for this family. Boots birthday is right in the beginning, followed exactly a week later by Mr.Fantastics. In between there is our nieces birthday, and this is big one, she is turning 13! Then after Mr. Fantastics is Gee's birthday. Then we have to get ready for Every One's Irish Day! I have a little project in the works for that too, but it is at the bottom of a very large pile of stuff I should have gotten to yesterday. On a side note this is the second year I have attempted to make time for this project for St. Patrick's Day, so don't hold your breath!
Mr. Fantastic is turning 30. So naturally he was a little spoiled by the presents he received. He DID NOT want a party and made that very clear. And in doing so he upped the value of his gift considerably! We generally go big or go home for each other's birthdays. We don't do Christmas presents for each other or Valentines day or any other holiday for that matter. And we celebrate our anniversary quietly and with the kids so we kind of figure it is the one time a year that we really get to go all out for each other. And personally I think that birthday's are a really big deal.
My mom always made a huge deal out of our birthdays. We do the same thing for our kids. Make no mistake that does not mean that we buy them a three ring circus or that we spend an obscene amount of money on another toy. It means that we truly celebrate their births. We talk about when they were born and what makes them so special. We spend some time looking over pictures of them as babies and how they have grown. They always want to know some special story about when they were young or when they were born. They get to have what ever they want for dinner, no matter how insane I think it is. We always spend that day together. I hope I am always able to do so. I am so honored and in love with the idea that they are ours. That we created and are raising these beautiful children. That makes Mr. Fantastic that much more special to me. He gets more excited about the kids birthdays than the kids themselves do!
So he has been talking about wanting a XBOX 360 for a while. So that is exactly what his parents got him. It is the kind of thing that he would never buy for himself. So the kids and I got all sorts of stuff for it. Like an extra wireless controller, and a wireless router, so he can play on line, a game, a fan for the system and a skin for the system, which by the way is insanely cool, see?
So, if it's not yet Boots birthday, and Mr. Fantastics birthday is a week later then, am I completely ruining a surprise by talking about it? No, the little brat's parents sent the gift already and he opened it, WITH their blessings. He didn't even have to wait until his birthday. Pushovers!!! So we wrapped up our gifts and surrendered those as well so that he would have the whole package. Now he doesn't have much to open on his actual birthday. But I still have a surprise tucked away. He's not gonna sweet talk me into giving it up early, no way. I am not falling for that bull. See, I can be tough!

My mom always made a huge deal out of our birthdays. We do the same thing for our kids. Make no mistake that does not mean that we buy them a three ring circus or that we spend an obscene amount of money on another toy. It means that we truly celebrate their births. We talk about when they were born and what makes them so special. We spend some time looking over pictures of them as babies and how they have grown. They always want to know some special story about when they were young or when they were born. They get to have what ever they want for dinner, no matter how insane I think it is. We always spend that day together. I hope I am always able to do so. I am so honored and in love with the idea that they are ours. That we created and are raising these beautiful children. That makes Mr. Fantastic that much more special to me. He gets more excited about the kids birthdays than the kids themselves do!
So he has been talking about wanting a XBOX 360 for a while. So that is exactly what his parents got him. It is the kind of thing that he would never buy for himself. So the kids and I got all sorts of stuff for it. Like an extra wireless controller, and a wireless router, so he can play on line, a game, a fan for the system and a skin for the system, which by the way is insanely cool, see?

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