I finally finished the window seat cushion in the kitchen. I have recovered it a few times with custom fit removable washable covers. Each one was a learning experience, I will just leave it at that. I LOVE this fabric. That is mildly surprising considering that I am not a real flowery kind of girl.

This is actually a table cloth that I bought at Target on clearance for a whopping 6 bucks. I brought it home and took it apart and Viola! A custom cushion cover with some style. I will be finished with the little pillows for it by tomorrow. Talk about last minute... The in-laws get here in 24 hours!
We are all resting up so we can party, party, party for the next week and a half, especially Boots, I came up from the laundry room to this...
Not to mention that I hope all of this insane rain goes away and we have clear skys to go out side and play in! There is a creek next to the house, the leaf lines in the creek are where it normally is.... it looks like race lanes for the ducks.... that could be fun!

Last but not least, what is missing from this picture.....
There will be a top tomorrow..... I NEED more hours in the day, or another me, oh to dream!

This is actually a table cloth that I bought at Target on clearance for a whopping 6 bucks. I brought it home and took it apart and Viola! A custom cushion cover with some style. I will be finished with the little pillows for it by tomorrow. Talk about last minute... The in-laws get here in 24 hours!
We are all resting up so we can party, party, party for the next week and a half, especially Boots, I came up from the laundry room to this...

Last but not least, what is missing from this picture.....

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