Father's Day
Father's Day at our house means a big family breakfast, (if you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know that we LOVE breakfast at our house). Gifts and of course, Dad gets three wishes. Yep three, and no wishing for more wishes Mister! Learned that lesson the hard way. So he wanted to sleep late, watch a movie of his choice (his favorit thing to do!) and spend some time painting. He was able to do all three. Job complete!
He recieved some interesting gifts, from Little P, he got this card:

Tucked safely inside that fantastic green pocket is a amazing new bookmark complete with picture and magnet backing! She is the cutest! But then, on the back there is a Top 10 reasons of Why I Love My Dad. Now, I will not share all of them with you, that is between them, but this one, this one is just too precious not to share: #7 I love my dad because he taught me how to read. That pretty much sums up what is important in our house and how much our 7 year old daughter understand what we value.
Then she gave him these:
What are these you ask? These folks, are happy rocks, and the poem looks a little small in the pic, so it sayes;
Happy Rocks Some smiles from me to you on rocks the shade of blue. To show you that I care, in times that I'm not there. Just a little rub will do and you'll feel the smile come through. Worry not if it should wear away, for inside your heart, the smile will stay.
That little girl is amazing.
Lastly, Boots, Little P and I gave dear old Dad something to make his drive into work more bearable.

He is a very happy Dad. For all you fathers out there, hope your day was great!
Father's Day at our house means a big family breakfast, (if you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know that we LOVE breakfast at our house). Gifts and of course, Dad gets three wishes. Yep three, and no wishing for more wishes Mister! Learned that lesson the hard way. So he wanted to sleep late, watch a movie of his choice (his favorit thing to do!) and spend some time painting. He was able to do all three. Job complete!
He recieved some interesting gifts, from Little P, he got this card:

Tucked safely inside that fantastic green pocket is a amazing new bookmark complete with picture and magnet backing! She is the cutest! But then, on the back there is a Top 10 reasons of Why I Love My Dad. Now, I will not share all of them with you, that is between them, but this one, this one is just too precious not to share: #7 I love my dad because he taught me how to read. That pretty much sums up what is important in our house and how much our 7 year old daughter understand what we value.
Then she gave him these:

Happy Rocks Some smiles from me to you on rocks the shade of blue. To show you that I care, in times that I'm not there. Just a little rub will do and you'll feel the smile come through. Worry not if it should wear away, for inside your heart, the smile will stay.
That little girl is amazing.
Lastly, Boots, Little P and I gave dear old Dad something to make his drive into work more bearable.

He is a very happy Dad. For all you fathers out there, hope your day was great!
I couldn't have asked for a better day! Well, I could have asked for a COOLER day! (the temps got into the 90s again)
Little P's gifts made me cry (I'm a sap), Miss Bliss made sure my day was exactly how I wanted it, and I really couldn't ask for more (out of the day, or my life).
Boot kept bringing me his toys and saying they were "presents" for me. He's just so great.
Yep, I'm one happy Dad!
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