I admit it, I am an addict
After reading Stefani's post about her new found admitted love for dogs, it left me to examine own opinion of man's best friend. Or with three dogs, addiction!
For as long as I can remember we have always had a cat or two. Most of them were strays that my mother would care for, that soon, after a few vet visits would become house cats and that was that. She could never say no to an animal in need.
When my mother remarried, her new husband had a dachshund. Now they say that dachshunds are one people kind of dogs, as far as this one was concerned that was true. I would sit on the couch next to my stepfather or in his lap when I was three or so and that damn dog would nip at my ankles. He was a mean little SOB and to make matters worse, his name was Chuckie, how horrible and evil is that?
So I wasn't fond of dogs, from that point on. There was a small incident when I was 16 that involved a lot of stitches and a doberman pinscher, again EVIL!!!!!!
So when I moved out and got my own place, it was a cat that accompanied me. And we have had several over the years. Until I was 7 months pregnant with Boots and had severely impaired judgement and allowed myself to be talked into getting a dog, a big dog, we adopted him from Lollypop Farms, a rescue center her in Upstate NY. Now he is handsome as all get out, but scraping the bottom of the barrel for intelligence. He is a black lab mix, and very sweet. But a big dog, never the less. So I am still not totally comfortable with him around my kids. I don't take those chances, and after a fated day last summer when I made a very quick trip to the pediatricians office for stitches for Boots, that sealed his place for me, forever.

I will quickly explain that it was not the dogs fault, but Boots at two not understanding never to throw things as a sleeping dog. But I will have to tell that story another time.
So it's a long story of how we came to get Brody, but I quickly fell in love, I mean, head over heels, you feel your heart melting as he curls up next to you no matter where you are kind of love. I made arrangements to leave him with Mr. Fantastics aunt when we went away for Christmas to Cali. This woman by the way is the worlds biggest animal lover, so I knew he would be in great hands. I brought him there, and with great difficulty, left him and tried not to ball my eyes out as I drove the 45 minutes back home.
I know, I know, this seems ridiculous! Especially for a woman who has two children that are constantly with her, why should she miss a dog? I mean, it's a dog right? Wrong, it's a adorable little thing that just wants me to love it, and asks for very little in return. My best friend for the last 25 years who happened to go along for the ride, turned to me as I was getting rather teary and said, "Now you get it don't you?". I finally understood, why dog people are so crazy for their dog, and most other peoples dogs too. It's a whole other community to belong to. Did I mention that Brody is a Pomeranian? A rare color of Black and Tan that makes him look like a baby bear. So here is my baby, and tomorrow I will tell you all about his little brother, Hooper aka My Nemesis. And finish up why the hell we have three dogs.
Thanks for hanging in there!
After reading Stefani's post about her new found admitted love for dogs, it left me to examine own opinion of man's best friend. Or with three dogs, addiction!
For as long as I can remember we have always had a cat or two. Most of them were strays that my mother would care for, that soon, after a few vet visits would become house cats and that was that. She could never say no to an animal in need.
When my mother remarried, her new husband had a dachshund. Now they say that dachshunds are one people kind of dogs, as far as this one was concerned that was true. I would sit on the couch next to my stepfather or in his lap when I was three or so and that damn dog would nip at my ankles. He was a mean little SOB and to make matters worse, his name was Chuckie, how horrible and evil is that?
So I wasn't fond of dogs, from that point on. There was a small incident when I was 16 that involved a lot of stitches and a doberman pinscher, again EVIL!!!!!!
So when I moved out and got my own place, it was a cat that accompanied me. And we have had several over the years. Until I was 7 months pregnant with Boots and had severely impaired judgement and allowed myself to be talked into getting a dog, a big dog, we adopted him from Lollypop Farms, a rescue center her in Upstate NY. Now he is handsome as all get out, but scraping the bottom of the barrel for intelligence. He is a black lab mix, and very sweet. But a big dog, never the less. So I am still not totally comfortable with him around my kids. I don't take those chances, and after a fated day last summer when I made a very quick trip to the pediatricians office for stitches for Boots, that sealed his place for me, forever.

I will quickly explain that it was not the dogs fault, but Boots at two not understanding never to throw things as a sleeping dog. But I will have to tell that story another time.
So it's a long story of how we came to get Brody, but I quickly fell in love, I mean, head over heels, you feel your heart melting as he curls up next to you no matter where you are kind of love. I made arrangements to leave him with Mr. Fantastics aunt when we went away for Christmas to Cali. This woman by the way is the worlds biggest animal lover, so I knew he would be in great hands. I brought him there, and with great difficulty, left him and tried not to ball my eyes out as I drove the 45 minutes back home.
I know, I know, this seems ridiculous! Especially for a woman who has two children that are constantly with her, why should she miss a dog? I mean, it's a dog right? Wrong, it's a adorable little thing that just wants me to love it, and asks for very little in return. My best friend for the last 25 years who happened to go along for the ride, turned to me as I was getting rather teary and said, "Now you get it don't you?". I finally understood, why dog people are so crazy for their dog, and most other peoples dogs too. It's a whole other community to belong to. Did I mention that Brody is a Pomeranian? A rare color of Black and Tan that makes him look like a baby bear. So here is my baby, and tomorrow I will tell you all about his little brother, Hooper aka My Nemesis. And finish up why the hell we have three dogs.

Still waiting for the post about Hooper!!!
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