Saturday, July 01, 2006

50 cents and a little bit of Luck

Who knew that is all it takes to be happy?

My Best Friend for the last 25 years,( yes, I know how lucky I am... ) and I went searching for garage sales this morning. Mostly it just provides us with time to catch up, drive around, get lost and laugh our asses off. And usually, we don't find much. But we have so little time together these days who cares about the actual finds.

However today was very different. She was looking for a table , and at the first stop, she found it. I however have had my eyes open for some fun dress up stuff. I have a 7 year old girl, dress up is the way to go. And I found the mother load, on top of several dance outfits complete with green sequins, and some costume jewelry that was way to fabulous to say no to, I found these....

For a quarter a piece... The capes, not the children.

These children love these capes, they had way toooo much fun running all around the living room, chasing each other all over the kitchen, hiding and scaring each other with their evil vampire laughs.

A little bit of luck and 50 cents, so that is the price of happiness... Who knew?


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