I have the most interesting in laws in the world.
First off, they have been married for 39 years. Does the even happen anymore? They still hold hands, how cute is that? And they are funny as all get out. And they come with an entire culture laden clan.
I have been married to Mr. Fantastic for 8 years coming up soon and so that means that I have been in this very large Italian family for close to 11 years. It's a trip. I grew up in a small family, who are not very close now. Comparing them to Mr. Fantastics Sinatra loving group is in no way close to fair. These are people that love to gather. And I say that instead of party because although they do party a lot, when they are together. They love an excuse to get together more.
To share stories and pictures and memories with one another. Mr. Fantastics cousins, and there are almost too many to count, are more like really great friends, rather than just family. All of the cousins children, (whom technically) are second cousins consider them selves friends first and then cousins. Who even knows their second cousins? I don't.
So, they are a very close family. It's like the Godfather, no one gets out... Hehehehe. But my in laws did get out, and they moved, not across the town, or even across the state, no in typical Italian family fashion where every thing is big, they moved across the country. Also in Italian family fashion they didn't want to lose touch with an entire family. So they started a family website. Every one is on there, and I do mean everyone. Mr. Fantastics 84 year old grandmother is all about the site. As a matter of fact she gets a little testy if you don't send her new pics of her babies. Folks you have never seen a more amazing great grandmother, whom my children refer to as Grandmama.
The site was started and maintained by Mr. Fantastics Dad, who now has his own blog, at 60, I love this family. It's all about how him seeing things from a Grandpa's point of view. Stop over and visit him sometime, he's got a lot to say. Grandpas Observations Congrats and welcome!
First off, they have been married for 39 years. Does the even happen anymore? They still hold hands, how cute is that? And they are funny as all get out. And they come with an entire culture laden clan.
I have been married to Mr. Fantastic for 8 years coming up soon and so that means that I have been in this very large Italian family for close to 11 years. It's a trip. I grew up in a small family, who are not very close now. Comparing them to Mr. Fantastics Sinatra loving group is in no way close to fair. These are people that love to gather. And I say that instead of party because although they do party a lot, when they are together. They love an excuse to get together more.
To share stories and pictures and memories with one another. Mr. Fantastics cousins, and there are almost too many to count, are more like really great friends, rather than just family. All of the cousins children, (whom technically) are second cousins consider them selves friends first and then cousins. Who even knows their second cousins? I don't.
So, they are a very close family. It's like the Godfather, no one gets out... Hehehehe. But my in laws did get out, and they moved, not across the town, or even across the state, no in typical Italian family fashion where every thing is big, they moved across the country. Also in Italian family fashion they didn't want to lose touch with an entire family. So they started a family website. Every one is on there, and I do mean everyone. Mr. Fantastics 84 year old grandmother is all about the site. As a matter of fact she gets a little testy if you don't send her new pics of her babies. Folks you have never seen a more amazing great grandmother, whom my children refer to as Grandmama.
The site was started and maintained by Mr. Fantastics Dad, who now has his own blog, at 60, I love this family. It's all about how him seeing things from a Grandpa's point of view. Stop over and visit him sometime, he's got a lot to say. Grandpas Observations Congrats and welcome!

Growing up in said family was... well, standard for me. I never knew how special my 'family' (meaning EXTENDED family) was until I was in college. It was then that I realized that not everyone's closests friends are cousins, and not all 'families' gather together to play huge games of Trivia or Poker... not all 'families' dressed up like nerds to go to the Revenge of the Nerds premier together... Nope, we're a rare breed, and I'm so happy we've infected my lovely wife and our children with that same "familiare", which in Italian means "Family Way".
~ S. Rick
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